Soprano, Ang Mei Foong
毕业于国立台湾师范大学音乐系,师事任蓉教授。后赴意大利深造一年,就读于国立罗马音乐院,师从瑞贝卡·贝尔格女士。留意期间参加由意中文化协会在台湾主办的世界华人声乐大赛,得第八名并获颁新秀奖。后获取澳洲墨尔本大学全免奖学金,入读 音乐表演研究所并于2007年获音乐演唱硕士。曾在吉隆坡、台湾和墨尔本开过数场个人独唱会,所演唱的曲目包括舒曼的《女人的爱情与生活》、福瑞的《美好的歌》、理查·史特劳斯的《最后四首歌》,各种语言的室内乐作品以及歌剧作品等等。
Born in Kuala Lumpur, soprano Ang Mei Foong started her musical training as a pianist. After obtaining her Bachelor degree from the National Taiwan Normal University, she furthered her studies at the Conservatorio di Musica Santa Cecilia Roma under the guidance of Maestra Rebecca Berg. Subsequently she received a full scholarship to pursue her Master's at the University of Melbourne. In Melbourne, she studied with Merlyn Quaife. An active recitalist, Mei Foong has performed in Malaysia, Taiwan, and Australia.

Coloratura Soprano, Tan Khar Gee
Soprano, Ang Mei Foong

Coloratura Soprano, Tan Khar Gee
Homegrown coloratura soprano, Tan Khar Gee was a graduate of the Malaysian Institute of Arts before obtaining her Masters Degree at the Conservatory of China, Beijing. Subsequently she left for Italy to further her studies at the Accademia Lirica Italiana under the tutelage of Maestro Pier Miranda Ferraro and the renowned repetiteur Maestro Roberto Negri, both from the famous opera house Teatro Alla Scala, Milano. In Italy, she actively participated and represented the conservatory in major performances and received excellent reviews from the press. Consequently, she was awarded the Young Vocalist and Artist Certificate. Since her return to the country in 2004, she has given many recitals in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and China to great acclaim.

Lyric Soprano, Li Hong

Lyric Soprano, Li Hong
A lyric soprano with a sound technique and beautiful high notes, Li Hong was graduated from the Sichuan Conservatory of Music. She has performed extensively around China and most recently in America and Poland. A winner of several singing competitions, she has worked with Professor Lu Hui Juan (Germany), Rao Yu Jian (Shanghai Opera House), Linda Brice and Richard Poppino (America). In 2007 she made her debut as Tosca with the Sichuan Conservatory of Music.

Soprano, Vivian Li
毕业于哈尔滨师范大学音乐系,民族声乐专业。后进修于中国音乐学院,师从邹文琴教授。2007年毕业于新加坡南洋艺术学院声乐系,师从女高音阮妙芬。曾获得中国首届“金钟奖”声乐大赛(黑龙江赛区)三等奖等奖项。出演过莫扎特《剧院经理》中的Fräulein Silberklang 和《女人心》中的费奥迪莉姬等歌剧角色,并于2006年在NAFA 歌剧片段音乐会中演唱。2007年首次在曼谷成功扮演瓦格纳歌剧《女武神》中的角色捷希德。
Vivian Li holds a BA Degree in Traditional Chinese Vocal Music from the Harbin University before graduating in 2007 at the NanYang Academy of Fine Arts Singapore. An avid competition participant since young, she has won many competitions including the prestigious Hei Long Jiang Singing Competition and the Chinese Winter Dream Young Singer Singing Competition. Since residing in Singapore, she has performed at the Esplanade Concourse, Victoria Concert Hall and the Lee Foundation Theater. She made her debut with Bangkok opera in 2007 singing the role of Gerhilde in Wagner's Die Walküre.

Soprano, Vivian Li
毕业于哈尔滨师范大学音乐系,民族声乐专业。后进修于中国音乐学院,师从邹文琴教授。2007年毕业于新加坡南洋艺术学院声乐系,师从女高音阮妙芬。曾获得中国首届“金钟奖”声乐大赛(黑龙江赛区)三等奖等奖项。出演过莫扎特《剧院经理》中的Fräulein Silberklang 和《女人心》中的费奥迪莉姬等歌剧角色,并于2006年在NAFA 歌剧片段音乐会中演唱。2007年首次在曼谷成功扮演瓦格纳歌剧《女武神》中的角色捷希德。