MYMusic Outlet我的音乐阵营
presents 呈献
我的音乐会系列 MYRecital Series(二)
A Musical Date With
Tracy Chen
CHINWOO Stadium Hall
8pm, JULY 30, 2011(SAT)
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中国花腔女高音陈雅函的音乐之旅宣传视频链接Recital's Trailer!/video/video.php?v=189815131072631&comments

Graduated from Beijing Central Conservatory of Music, China
Bachelor of Music.
Performance Experience:
April 2010 Performed “Frasquita” on Carmen at the National Centre for the Performing Arts (China)
April 2010 Opera Concerts with Ailan Zhu and pianist Fugen Wei ( Ningbo and Nanjing)
Dec 2009 Performed on Future Divas (sang multiple Broadway tunes)
May 2009 Performed (as a young opera singer) at the National Centre for the Performing Arts (China) as part of the 2009 Opera Festival
July 2008 Performed Mahler: Symphony No. 2 in C-Minor in collaboration with the Yale School of Music Symphony Orchestra at the National Centre for the Performing Arts (China)
June 2008 Performed Dido and Aeneas at the National Centre for the Performing Arts (China) – conducted by renowned Baroque musician Dr. Peter Allsop (author of Cavalier Giovannia Battista Buonamente and
Arcangelo Corelli: "New Orpheus of Our Times")
Dec 2007 Performed (solo) at the opening ceremony for The 7th Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM) Music Festival
Nov 2006 Performed (as a main cast member) nationwide (e.g., Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou) thru July 2008 on The Magic Flute
Musical Experience
Jan 2010 Attended open seminar taught by Soprano Ailan Zhu
Nov 2009 Performed on a hip hop single entitled Beloved at the request of two famous Chinese rappers
Sep 2009 Attended master seminar of renowned conductor Dr. Daniel Lipton
June 2009 Competed (recipient of Second Prize) as a volunteer conductor in a children’s choir competition for the Lions Club International (Beijing)
June 2007 Recorded vocals for a Hong Kong welfare advertisement
April 2010 Encouragement Prize-The Gerda Lissner Foundation International Vocal Competition (NYC)
2011年4月 参加国家大剧院版歌剧《卡门》的排练,并演唱Frasquita角色
2010年12月 《第四届全国高等艺术院校歌剧、声乐展演》闭幕式音乐会
2010年12月 爵士说唱EP《男女对爵》
2009年12月 繁星戏剧村 《百老汇之夜》,音乐剧名段音乐会
2009年9月 歌曲《挚爱》发布到优酷网后,一天内点击率破10万
2009年6月 录制东来东往的《祝福你我的祖国》
2008年7月 先后在北京、天津演出歌剧《魔笛》,并在其中担任主要角色
2008年6月 为香港录制某公益广告
2007年12月 在《庆贺郭淑珍教授从乐从教六十周年系列音乐会》上演唱《威尼斯狂欢节》
2007年12月 受邀参加中国知名说唱团体“凤凰鸣”的HIP-HOP音乐会
2007年6月 参加《纪念程懋云逝世50周年学术活动——作品音乐会》,演唱的两首歌曲《劳动歌》、《欢送勇士们》均为国内首唱
2006年12月 赴上海演出歌剧《魔笛》,并在其中担任主要角色
参加中央音乐学院与上海音乐学院的交流音乐会,演唱 《美妙的歌声随风荡漾》获好评
2006年11月 赴广州演出歌剧《魔笛》,并在其中担任主要角色
2010年12月 获2010第四届全国高等艺术院校“歌剧、声乐展演”第一名
2010年4月 获美国纽约格达利斯纳国际声乐比赛鼓励奖(The Gerda Lissner Foundation International Competition)
2009年12月 获青歌赛大众音协代表团“优秀歌手”奖
2011年9月至2012年5月将就读于美国纽约曼哈顿音乐学院,并从师于美国著名女高音歌唱家Catherine Malfitano
陳穎豪 Stefano Chen / Music Director / Tenor
男高音/ 音樂總監 / 文化産品策劃人
2000年出版并演唱首張中國爵士音樂演唱專輯《咆哮之中》(Bop Within)。2002年協助中央電視台譯配申奧中英文歌曲,指導中國著名歌手孫國慶、沙寶亮、葉凡、郭蓉等英語演唱發音。2004年策劃編選出版親子音樂系列《與媽媽一起音樂旅行》、身心靈健康音樂系列《我的音療工房》與《采茶房茶音樂》系列。2006年策劃編選《音樂劇魅影》一書。曾與中國唱片公司聯合策劃出版中國首張古箏彈唱唐詩宋詞專輯《山居秋暝》。2008年,作爲歌手和音樂總監,出版了人聲發燒天碟《原醉》和中國意象新世紀音樂專輯《聽城》。
2009年在大馬吉隆坡Old China Café 成功舉辦一場“意大利和中國民歌專場”的慈善演唱會。作爲音樂總監和聲樂指導,與大馬著名時代曲歌手友弟與英社戲劇元老甄山水合作,一場以南洋為基調的風情音樂會《摩登南洋》。
Vocalist Stefano Chen trained at the Beijing Central Conservatory of Music from 1996-2001 and at the China National Opera House from 2001-2003. His vocal coach Xinna Wang was one of the best tenors in China in the 1980s opera scene.
In 2000, he recorded a jazz album in China, entitled Bop Within. He was credited as the first male vocalist to produce such a recording there. It also received good reviews by the local media, upon its release.
In 2002, Chen assisted China’s television station CCTV in producing a promotional music album of both Chinese and English songs for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Bidding campaign. His work include guiding popular singers such as Guoqing Sun, Baoling Sha, Fan Ye and Rong Guo in diction for songs in English.
In 2004, as a professional music producer, Chen collaborated with the China Record Company to publish a music album called, A Mountain Hut in Autumn Dusk. The album consists of famous poems of Tang and Song Dynasty sung to the accompaniment of guzheng (Chinese zither) music. The music was performed by Professor Yun Qu, renowned for her zither skill in the world of Chinese classical music.
Before returning to Malaysia in 2008, Chen produced and recorded an audiophile album in China, named Guilty Pleasure and a Chinese New Age album entitled, Beijing, The Voices.
Now based in Kuala Lumpur, Chen currently works as a freelance vocal coach and music producer as well as a professional singer.
Loo Bang Hean, Pianist
Born in Ipoh, Malaysia, Bang Hean’s early teachers include Serena Chow and Rickie Oui. At the age of 16 he won the 1st prize at the First National Mozart Piano Competition in Penang, his success in the LRSM performing diploma in that same year prompted the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music to award him a four-year scholarship to study at the Royal College of Music, London.
In England Bang Hean studied with Yonty Solomon, John Blakely and Dennis Lee. His successes during those years include numerous prizes at the RCM as well as an invitation to appear in a Royal Gala Evening at St. James’s Palace attended by Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. Awards from the Anthony Saltmarsh Prize and the Countess of Munster Musical Trust enabled him to undergo postgraduate studies for a year with Professor Ilonka Deckers in Milan.
Back in Malaysia, Bang Hean frequently appears in solo recitals, chamber concerts and concerto performances. These include the International Piano Festivals in KL, the HSBC Piano Festivals and other concert series. Bang Hean has been invited to perform concertos with the National Symphony Orchestra, the Penang Symphony Orchestra, Penang State Symphony Orchestra and the PJ Youth Symphonic Band. A keen advocate of chamber music, he has given numerous chamber concerts with various musicians around the country, and is often invited to play in MPO’s Chamber Concert series at the Dewan Filharmonik Petronas, Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC). Apart from local appearances Bang Hean has also performed in Singapore, Brunei, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Korea, England and Italy.
An active and dedicated educator, Bang Hean is an adjunct lecturer at University College Sedaya International (UCSI) and is frequently invited to conduct seminars and workshops as well as adjudicate in music festivals and competitions around this region.